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Course Work
Docs & Tools
F20 S20
11-785 Introduction to Deep Learning
Fall 2020

Bulletin and Active Deadlines

Registered or waitlisted? Click here for Piazza. Code: perceptron

Assignment Deadline Description Links
Recitation 0A Augut 31 Fundamentals of Python Notebook (*.zip)
YouTube (url)
Recitation 0B August 31 Fundamentals of NumPy Notebook (*.zip)
YouTube (url)
Recitation 0C August 31 Fundamentals of PyTorch Notebook (*.zip)
YouTube (url)
Recitation 0D August 31 Fundamentals of AWS Document (url)
YouTube (url)
Recitation 0E August 31 Fundamentals of Google Colab Document (url)
YouTube (url)
Recitation 0F August 31 Debugging Notebook (*.zip)
YouTube (url)
Recitation 0G August 31 Remote Notebooks Notebook (*.zip)
Document (*.pdf)
YouTube (url)
HW0 August 31 Fundamentals Homework 0p1 Autolabhandout
0p2 Autolabhandout
Quiz 0 September 6 Fundamentals Quiz Quiz
Information Forms ASAP! Forms about study groups and other important logistics Form 1
Form 2

The Course

“Deep Learning” systems, typified by deep neural networks, are increasingly taking over all AI tasks, ranging from language understanding, and speech and image recognition, to machine translation, planning, and even game playing and autonomous driving. As a result, expertise in deep learning is fast changing from an esoteric desirable to a mandatory prerequisite in many advanced academic settings, and a large advantage in the industrial job market.

In this course we will learn about the basics of deep neural networks, and their applications to various AI tasks. By the end of the course, it is expected that students will have significant familiarity with the subject, and be able to apply Deep Learning to a variety of tasks. They will also be positioned to understand much of the current literature on the topic and extend their knowledge through further study.

If you are only interested in the lectures, you can watch them on the YouTube channel.

Course description from student point of view

The course is well rounded in terms of concepts. It helps us understand the fundamentals of Deep Learning. The course starts off gradually with MLPs and it progresses into the more complicated concepts such as attention and sequence-to-sequence models. We get a complete hands on with PyTorch which is very important to implement Deep Learning models. As a student, you will learn the tools required for building Deep Learning models. The homeworks usually have 2 components which is Autolab and Kaggle. The Kaggle components allow us to explore multiple architectures and understand how to fine-tune and continuously improve models. The task for all the homeworks were similar and it was interesting to learn how the same task can be solved using multiple Deep Learning approaches. Overall, at the end of this course you will be confident enough to build and tune Deep Learning models.


  1. We will be using Numpy and PyTorch in this class, so you will need to be able to program in python3.
  2. You will need familiarity with basic calculus (differentiation, chain rule), linear algebra and basic probability.


Courses 11-785, 18-786, and 11-685 are equivalent 12-unit graduate courses, and have a final project. Course 11-485 is the undergraduate version worth 9 units, the only difference being that there is no final project.


Your Supporters



Pittsburgh Schedule (Eastern Time)

Lecture: Monday and Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.

Zoom Link: Meeting Link , Meeting ID: 403 746 7921

Recitation: Friday, 8.00am-9.20am BH A51

Kigali Schedule (Central Africa Time)

Lecture: Monday and Wednesday, 3:00 p.m. – 4:20 p.m. @ CMR C421

Office hours:

Silicon Valley Schedule (Pacific Time)

Office hours:

Course Work

Quizzes      Grading will be based on weekly quizzes (24%), homeworks (51%) and a course project (25%).
Quizzes      There will be weekly quizzes.
  • Quiz 0 is mandatory; we will retain your best 12 out of the remaining 14 quizzes.
  • Quizzes will generally (but not always) be released on Friday and due 48 hours later.
  • Quizzes are scored by the number of correct answers.
  • Quizzes will be worth 24% of your overall score.
Assignments There will be five assignments in all. Assignments will include autolab components, where you must complete designated tasks, and a kaggle component where you compete with your colleagues.
  • Autolab components are scored according to the number of correctly completed parts.
  • We will post performance cutoffs for A (100%), B (80%), C (60%), D (40%) and F (0%) for Kaggle competitions. Scores will be interpolated linearly between these cutoffs.
  • Assignments will have a “preliminary submission deadline”, an “on-time submission deadline” and a “late-submission deadline.”
    • Early submission deadline: You are required to make at least one submission to Kaggle by this deadline. People who miss this deadline will automatically lose 10% of subsequent marks they may get on the homework. This is intended to encourage students to begin working on their assignments early.
    • On-time deadline: People who submit by this deadline are eligible for up to five bonus points. These points will be computed by interpolation between the A cutoff and the highest performance obtained for the HW. The highest performance will get 105.
    • Late deadline: People who submit after the on-time deadline can still submit until the late deadline. There is a 10% penalty applied to your final score, for submitting late.
    • Slack days: Everyone gets up to 7 slack days, which they can distribute across all their homeworks. Once you use up your slack days you will fall into the late-submission category by default. Slack days are accumulated over all parts of all homeworks, except HW0, to which no slack applies.
    • Kaggle scoring: We will use max(max(on-time score), max(slack-day score), .0.9*max(late-submission score)) as your final score for the HW. If this happens to be a slack-days submission, slack days corresponding to the selected submission will be counted.
  • Assignments carry 51% of your total score. HW0 is worth 1%, while each of the subsequent four are worth 12.5%.
ProjectAll students taking a graduate version of the course are required to do a course project. The project is worth 25% of your grade. These points are distributed as follows: 10% - Proposal; 15% - Midterm Report; 20% - Project Video; 15% - Project Video Follow-up; 40% - Paper peer review.
Final grade
Final grade The end-of-term grade is curved. Your overall grade will depend on your performance relative to your classmates.
Pass/Fail Students registered for pass/fail must complete all quizzes, HWs and if they are in the graduate course, the project. A grade equivalent to B- is required to pass the course.
Auditing Auditors are not required to complete the course project, but must complete all quizzes and homeworks. We encourage doing a course project regardless.
End Policy

Study groups

This semester we will be implementing study groups. It is highly recommended that you join a study group; see the forms on the bulletin.

Piazza: Discussion Board

Piazza is what we use for discussions. You should be automatically signed up if you're enrolled at the start of the semester. If not, please sign up. Also, please follow the Piazza Etiquette when you use the piazza.

AutoLab: Software Engineering

AutoLab is what we use to test your understand of low-level concepts, such as engineering your own libraries, implementing important algorithms, and developing optimization methods from scratch.

Kaggle: Data Science

Kaggle is where we test your understanding and ability to extend neural network architectures discussed in lecture. Similar to how AutoLab shows scores, Kaggle also shows scores, so don't feel intimidated -- we're here to help. We work on hot AI topics, like speech recognition, face recognition, and neural machine translation.

Media Services/YouTube: Lecture and Reciation Recordings

CMU students should also access the videos Live from Media Services or Recorded from Media Services in order to get attendance credit. Links to individual videos will be posted as they are uploaded.

YouTube is where non-CMU folks can view all lecture and recitation recordings. Videos marked “Old“ are not current, so please be aware of the video title.

Books and Other Resources

The course will not follow a specific book, but will draw from a number of sources. We list relevant books at the end of this page. We will also put up links to relevant reading material for each class. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the material before the class. The readings will sometimes be arcane and difficult to understand; if so, do not worry, we will present simpler explanations in class.

You can also find a nice catalog of models that are current in the literature here. We expect that you will be in a position to interpret, if not fully understand many of the architectures on the wiki and the catalog by the end of the course.

Academic Integrity

You are expected to comply with the University Policy on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism.
  • You are allowed to talk with and work with other students on homework assignments.
  • You can share ideas but not code. You should submit your own code.
Your course instructor reserves the right to determine an appropriate penalty based on the violation of academic dishonesty that occurs. Violations of the university policy can result in severe penalties including failing this course and possible expulsion from Carnegie Mellon University. If you have any questions about this policy and any work you are doing in the course, please feel free to contact your instructor for help.

Documentation and Tools


This is a selection of optional textbooks you may find useful

Deep Learning
Deep Learning By Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville Online book, 2017
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Neural Networks and Deep Learning By Michael Nielsen Online book, 2016